Thursday, March 11, 2010

Just for fun...

It's no secret that I love to bake and love to decorate cakes. My love for the art of food started as a little child when I used to use the kitchen table, graham crackers, and my hands as canvasses for frosting (after my mom finished cakes). We used to get up on chairs and be allowed to add ingredients to the bowl of whatever yummy thing my mom was making, and I love, love, love the smell of cooking goodness at my Grandma Boge's house. It's no wonder I love to make food fun with kids.

One of my good friends (Cara) from church recently had a beautiful baby boy (Seth). I went to visit and make some cupcakes with Joy, so that she could have some food fun with cupcakes. We frosted them and added words and sprinkles. I forgot how much fun just throwing sprinkles on cupcakes could be, but as I watched her face, it put a smile on mine.

No, this isn't for my portfolio, I won't charge a pretty penny for them, and probably couldn't recreate them if I tried, but Joy, Cara, Phoebe, and I had fun!

Her face proved it!

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